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Requires Rise to Power - (Core) Utilities
Civilizations may now choose to establish a formal Government: a Kingdom, or Republic, or one of the unique Governments only available with certain World Wonders.
With a Government, you will gain the ability to pass Political Reforms. These are much like Social Policies except they confer certain penalties in exchange for their bonuses, and they each come in mutually exclusive groups of three (for instance, you can only choose one of Universal, None, and Landed in the 'Suffrage' Group).
To pass a Political Reform, you will need a certain minimum amount of the new yield Sovereignty. Sovereignty is not accumulated like other Yields; instead, it is a calculation based upon certain factors in any given turn. If you have enough Sovereignty, you can pass a Political Reform and it won't cost you Sovereignty to do so!
Additionally, Political Factions compete with your Government for control over the kinds of Reforms you can pass. Political Factions each have their own Sovereignty value, and this directly contributes to the minimum Sovereignty that certain Reforms require - reducing it for those Reforms a Faction supports and increasing it for those they oppose. The type of Government you have, as well as certain Reforms, will determine the specific nature and interests of your Political Factions.
Additional Changes
- Adds additional Buildings, Wonders, and Techs.
- Alters conflicting Social Policy names.
Further Information
- Some features require Additional Policy Trees.
- Some features require Spirit Ideology.
- Some features are altered with the Community Patch.
- Some features are altered with Cycles of Power.
Background Information
- Fixed issue with Pantheon/Capital requirements for Wonders not working as intended.
- Reduced the production cost on Government wonders.
- Absolute now increases Max Sov to 100%, Despotic is 75%, and Constitutional is 50%. Constitutional now increases Faction Power to 50%. Absolute now increases Rev Sentiment by 25% and has no impact on Factions.
- Added various more titles.
- Added new Commons and Theocracy icons with much thanks to Leugi.
- Added new Dictatorship icon.
- Added unique Caliphate government. Thanks to Leugi for the Great Mosque of Damascus icon that establishes it.
- Preferences for unique Governments are once again supported. This serves the purpose mostly of preventing AI from switching away from a unique Government they have if they prefer it.
- Added Workforces support.
- Infrastructure no longer affects Units starting their turn in cities.
- Various tweaks to how the Factions are constituted.
- Various tweaks to Faction preferences,
- Jail has been shifted to Additional Policy Trees mod.
- Anti-Pope title will only be applied to a Catholic Theocracy if another player has claimed the Papacy.
- Wonders that unlock unique Governments are now mutually exclusive, although they can still be captured (and their unique Government switched to if the original claimant eliminated).
- Fixed issue where Theocracy had a bonus to its max sovereignty.
- Fixed issues with the Diplomatic effect from Precedence Reforms, and nerfed their impact.
- Further improvements to the differentiation between VMC and CP.
- Fixed issue where the Alliance titles required you to have founded Shia Islam.
- Various title additions and changes, with thanks to lime for his help with Shia/Sunni title distinctions.
- Shifted Hemiji Castle to Steel and Hofburg Palace to Banking.
- Fixed issue where Mesa Verde did not need to be built in the Capital.
- Mesa Verde now grants free Population in all cities.
- All Wonders that unlock a Government now grant a Golden Age.
- Added Potala Palace wonder, exclusive to Theocracies; thanks to Sukritact for the art.
- Added Valley of the Fallen wonder, exclusive to Dictatorships; thanks to Leugi for the art.
- Halved impact of Cities on Government Cooldowns.
- Reform and Government Cooldowns are now capped at 75%.
- Added many new Theocracy titles with thanks to SeelingCat.
- Can now view associated Factions from the choose Government screen.
- Right-clicking the Government option now correctly brings you to that Government's civilopedia page.
- Various Reform tweaks and fixes, with thanks to Revolutionist for suggestions.
- Various changes to inherent Government bonuses.
- Fixed issue where conquests weren't granting the conqueror's title but instead repeating your own title over their territory. In addition, these titles are now only available for those with the Empire Reform.
- Radicalists are now renamed to Libertarians and Fundamentalists to Ultranationalists.
- The Multi-Party list has been cropped to Conservatives, Liberals, Socialists, Greens, Religionists, and Moderates. More specific ideologies are names that these parties can pull from under certain conditions (e.g. Socialists might call themselves Syndicalists if you've completed the Industry Policy Branch) and more general ideologies become valid for all parties (e.g. national, progressive, etc.)
- Added Third-Positionists as the Dictatorship faction for the TBD Neutrality Ideology mod.
- Revolutionaries are now treated separately in terms of their power.
- Revolutionaries can now enter any government, including unique ones and the Dictatorship.
- Rev Sentiment is now increased by Global Unhappiness and is further increased by Reforms that you've passed that your Factions oppose.
- Mandate power is now constituted by Excess Happiness (still with the GA factor; this serves to balance against the Revolutionaries), Priesthood by Global Faith, and Dictatorship by Global Tourism.
- Clarified that you can only appoint Great People as councillors that were born naturally rather than earned for free - this wasn't originally intended but technical limitations and thematic qtness inclines me to keep it this way.
- Tyrant title now requires Tradition finisher as well.
- Fixed duplicate Supreme Pontiff title.
- Building a Wonder that unlocks a unique Government no longer automatically establishes that Government if you already have a unique Government established.
- Changed Hofburg Great Person Points from Artist to Merchant.
- Daimyo power is now constituted by your Military Units times their level.
- Cardinals now all oppose Right Religion Reforms.
- Fixed issue with Belief-specific titles not working in vanilla.
- Added Mandate of Heaven government, unlocked with the Temple of Heaven. This government only has the Mandate of Heaven Faction, which is 100% when you are in a Golden Age when the Legislature is reset. If you weren't, you are considered to have lost the Mandate. This makes the Mandate government high risk, high reward - if you time your Legislature right, you can completely nullify your Sovereignty costs.
- Fixed issue where Himeji Castle didn't increase Max Sov.
- All Wonders that unlock a Govt now have a small secondary effect, and now cost more to construct.
- Two-Party system is now based on winner-takes-all for each city based on the highest of the combination of three yields (Production, Food, and Faith for National, Culture, Gold, and Science for Progressive, even for Independent) plus the number of Policies from preferred Policy Branches (Tradition for National, Liberty for Progressive, etc.).
- Multi-Party system is now based on proportionality for the combination of two yields for each major faction times Specialists (Liberals), non-Specialists (Conservatives), and Population (Socialists). Moderates are now based on Local Happiness. Minor factions stay the same. This change is WIP as I'm still not happy with the results of this system.
- Fixed issue where the impact of Policies on Interest Factions wasn't working properly.
- Added Theocracy. Theocracy requires that you have founded a Religion to adopt, but it operates similarly to the standard governments - it isn't limited and has Revolutionaries, but it has only one Faction otherwise (Priesthood), and its special bonus is that this Faction is always present in your Legislature (i.e. with the party systems).
- Ai will now be more inclined to prioritize Reforms from branches that better reflect their interests/flavours.
- Replaced the Two-Party icons to make them more distinct against the Multi-Party icons.
- Fixed issue where you could build the Govt Wonders outside your Capital.
- Fixed incorrect information on Monarchy Faction preferences.
- Added late-game Buda Castle, which nullifies Revolutionary power.
- Fixed issue where Free Reforms were being consumed with changing Government.
- Fixed issue with Religionist Faction names not generating properly.
- Faction names no longer truncate; their spot in the legislature will now re-adjust in size.
- Fixed issues with policy costs being inflated with revoked Reforms.
- Fixed issue where the Revolutionaries were not appearing in Party legislatures.
- Fixed display issue with Free Reforms.
- Changed the Monarchy Faction icons.
- Fixed issue where Despotic Executive was giving the incorrect amount of Max sov.
- Added various additional Titles.
- Fixed issue where St Basil's Cathedral was available to all Governments.
- Chiefdom Factions are now based on your Capital's Population not Total Population.
- Renamed Peasants Faction to Peasantry, and Kingdom's Factions are now Commons, Nobility, Clergy, and Bourgeoisie. Have dropped the variable names for the interest group factions.
- Fixed various Reform issues.
- Lowered Despotic max sov to 50%.
- Fixed issue where Princedom stated that it unlocked Versailles instead of St. Basil's.
- Governments are now categorized as either Limited (Chiefdom), Semi-Limited (Dictatorship and the unique ones), or Unlimited (the rest). Limited Governments cannot pass Government Reforms, whilst Semi-Limited Governments cannot pass Government Reforms except the Legitimacy ones. This replaces Chiefdom's hard limited on Max Sov.
- Constructing a Wonder that establishes a Government now brings up the Choose Government popup (for only that Government) instead of automatically establishing it.
- Fixed issue where Commoners would cause the Legislature to fail to compose properly when Food was a negative value.
- Can now View Governments at any time from the Government Overview. Also fixed an issue where changing Governments was not properly available.
- Sargon's Palace now allows you to change your Government. It still bypasses Pop reqs. but this gives it a use if built after you have established a government proper.
- Renamed Shamans to Healers. Shifted the original Elder icon to the Healers and Elders receive a new icon.
- Renamed Princedom to Principality and renamed Kingdom to Monarchy.
- Holy See no longer opposes Government Reforms in other civilizations' legislatures.
- Imperial Crown no longer supports Government Reforms.
- Fixed issue where the Holy See's power was no longer calculating properly.
- Holy See's power is now based on your Capital's Faith output.
- If you change your Ideology whilst you have a Dictatorship, your Legislature will now be reset. This will only work on the next turn without CP.
- Dictatorship can now freely change Governments.
- Dictatorship Rev Sentiment reduction is now 100%.
- Unique Government Civ preferences are no longer supported. Civ-specific preferences should now only be set between Monarchy, Republic, Principality, or Dictatorship.
- Revolutionaries no longer have unique names.
- Fixed text conflict with VP.
- Fixed major trigger malfunction.
- Fixed issue where establishing one of the unique Governments would reset your Reform choices.
- Fixed issue with Reforms inflating policy costs when using DLL.
- Have made quite a few internal changes to how governments are established, so please be on the extra lookout for oddities.
- World Governments overview now shows its text fully instead of truncating it.
- Government descriptions in the World Governments overview are now qualified (e.g. Parliamentary Monarchy or Revolutionary Dictatorship).
- Fixed incorrect Republic alpha icon.
- Fixed issue where the Demarch title and General title had their conditions swapped around.
- Forum Magnum now bestows the title of Tribune. Consul is now bestown by completing the Liberty Tree.
- The title of Archon now requires the Tradition Finisher (with a Republic). Added Polmarch as Tradition + Honor Finisher + Republic. Also added Grand Archon and Grand Polemarch with those conditions + Empire.
- Added Tyrant title as Liberty Finisher + Republic + Autocracy.
- Fixed issue where EE's Versailles was still appearing in the pedia.
- Default name for the Bourgeoisie is now Merchants (they're still called Bourgeoisie in Renaissance).
- Revolutionaries are no longer present in Chiefdoms.
- Nobles now favour Left Industry/oppose Right Industry.
- Interest group Factions (Nobles, Populists, etc.) are now based on the highest of the Capital's rate for their Yield.
- Fixed an issue where civs would consider changing to a Dictatorship without having an Ideology.
- Fixed an issue where changing government did not reset your Reform choices.
- Added Soldiers Faction to Republic, based on capital's XP output.
- Fixed an issue with the Great Person popup not working.
- Fixed an issue where a civ's government preference was guaranteed instead of weighted.
- Fixed issue where the Government Overview screen would popup if the AI constructed a Wonder that unlocks a unique Government.
- Fixed issues in the calculation of the Multi-Party system votes.
- Populists are now powered by Science and favour Education reforms.
- Fixed issue where the Justice Reform text stated the same effects for both reforms.
- Fixed issues with Rations Reform effects being incorrectly assigned.
- Fixed Ownership Maintenance effect text being indicated incorrectly.
- Daimyo power is now based on number of combat units.
- AI government preference is now more inclined to match their flavours.
- Fixed text issues with Missions reforms.
- Fixed issue where the Orders Reforms did not correctly negate one another.
- Fixed issues with the mod being unable to distinguish between VMC and CP.
- Added Commoners Faction to the Kingdom govt, based on Food after consumption.
- Added Princedom government as an aristocratic middle-ground between Kingdom and Republic. Its Factions are the Citizens (based on Culture) and Peasants (based on Food consumed).
- Interest Factions are now influenced by your Policy Branch choices, so Clergy and Oligarchs now stand a chance to assume dominance :p
- Fixed issue where changing from a Chiefdom to a Kingdom/Republic would reset your Reform choices.
- Fixed issue where Dictatorship legislature was not being properly established.
- The unique Government Wonders now increase Max Sov increase of Sov.
- Versailles now grants the Sun King title (so as to be consistent with Princedom and Republic's wonder-title).
- Devaraja title now requires Angkor Wat.
- Added Cacique title for Mesa Verde.
- Added a few additional early Republic titles.
- Added Motherland Calls wonder, replacing the Kremlin - since St. Basil's becomes the Princedom wonder.
- Moved Versailles to Acoustics.
- Fixed issue with titles that refer to the player's capital not working.
- Added Revolutionary Republic title for some Radicalist Dictatorships.
- Added titles for those that control Hofburg Palace, St. Peter's Basilica, and Himeji Castle without having the government that they establish.
- Fixed an issue where Government-exclusive Wonders could be built by anyone.
- Fixed an issue with CP where Cooldowns were increasing each turn.
- Removed Info Panel dependency.
- Initial release.
Hi, so it won't let me establish a government even though I have 6 Global Population. Is this mod still supported?